life update: chips and lowkey camping

Hm I know I’m a lazy person and I haven’t posted in ages but hey I still have no ideas so here’s a lil life update to show you what I’ve been doing with my life instead of being productive. 

So. End of the summer holidays. My last week of freedom started out pretty busy. I finally tried the vegan pizza from pizza express and it was hElla good. I would eat it every day if I could. I also went canoeing in the sea for the first time which by the way is a lot more effort and kind of more scary than in a French river. My canoe must have spun in the wrong direction about 326 times and I probably nearly got run over by a sailing boat at least once. It was still fun though and I’m literally determined to get arm muscles (right now I’m a weakling with twig arms). I also discovered the universe’s best chips on a vEry long walk with my sister and they were so worth the exercise like WOWOW they were crispy. So regret only getting one bucket between us. 

After all that, it started raining and I stopped doing interesting stuff in favour of staying in bed for about three days watching game of thrones and stressing about the fact that I still hadn’t started my personal statement for my uni applications (I have since started it and it is the cringiest thing I’ve ever written lol). And I made myself pretty avocado toast and more cupcakes than my family could eat. Then some banana bread. And more cakes. 

School started this week, kill me now. No, kidding. It actually hasn’t been that bad so far. I even managed to wake up at quarter to 6 with not too much stress yay me!! I’m also loving colour coding my new school diary because I lead a sad life and I love stationery almost as much as I love bread. 

This weekend I went to a camping party with two of my best friends and we basically didn’t know anyone else there which was awkward but hEY there was music and we made friends. It was also extremely cold and I ended up waking up at 3 in the morning and going to sleep in the bathroom which was probably a stupid idea but at the time I thought I was a genius. At least I was warm ish though. Also it took me about four hours to get home because I forgot my bus has different times on a Saturday so I had to sit on the bus stop eating bread and looking a bit homeless which was kind of tragic. 

Anyway now I’m watching more Game of Thrones with my cat and it’s fab and I sort of want to make more cakes but we’ve run out of sugar sad times. 

I hope y’all are not dying too much from going back to school, we can get through this together I believe in us !!

xo Ella 

life update: chips and lowkey camping

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